The Water Mill Foundation is the cornerstone of the project. The foundation structure was chosen to ensure stability and permanence, protecting its assets and purpose from political, legal, and economic changes. The foundation manages the estate, including a hydropower-driven Bitcoin mining operation and a Bitcoin-based bank, generating revenue from multiple sources to sustain its activities.
Areas or responsibility
1. Bitcoin Mining Operation: With a minimum 30,000 tera hash Bitcoin mining setup, the Foundation leverages its reliable hydropower to support Bitcoin’s network, targeting approximately two successful block rewards per year, equivalent to 6.25 BTC annually from 2024 to 2028. In today’s valuation (December 2024), this amounts to an estimated €625,000 in annual revenue, positioning the Foundation as a contributor to the Bitcoin ecosystem and financially anchoring the project.
2. Bitcoin full reserve banking: As a Bitcoin-centered financial institution, the foundation's bank offers a variety of services to help people live on a Bitcoin standard while generating additional revenue for the foundation.
3. Facility Rentals: The Foundation leases portions of the estate to Water Mill’s various operational branches, including the Water Mill Forum, Hospitality, and Foods divisions. These rental agreements create a steady, reliable revenue stream, supporting maintenance and further development of the property while fostering collaboration across the project’s different functions.
4. Donations: Contributions from individuals and organizations provide additional financial support. With these income streams, the Water Mill Foundation is equipped to fulfill its mission and offer a forward-looking, secure infrastructure that enables sustainable, community-driven economic and social models.
The Mill Forum is a nonprofit association within the Water Mill Project. Its mission is to empower individuals and communities, helping them explore personal values and goals while taking an active role in society. It will host events, discussions, and lectures that connect global perspectives and develop solutions through concrete socia
The Mill Forum is a nonprofit association within the Water Mill Project. Its mission is to empower individuals and communities, helping them explore personal values and goals while taking an active role in society. It will host events, discussions, and lectures that connect global perspectives and develop solutions through concrete social and economic models. Revenue comes from voluntary donations, ticket sales, and publications to further its mission both online and offline.
Mill.Life forms the welcoming heart of the Water Mill Project, providing essential spaces for living, dining, and connection. As an independent, profitable enterprise, it operates a café, restaurant, bar, and guest rooms, serving both the public and participants in Forum events. Mill.Life rents its facilities from the Water Mill Foundati
Mill.Life forms the welcoming heart of the Water Mill Project, providing essential spaces for living, dining, and connection. As an independent, profitable enterprise, it operates a café, restaurant, bar, and guest rooms, serving both the public and participants in Forum events. Mill.Life rents its facilities from the Water Mill Foundation and sources most of its food directly from Essence.Work, ensuring a sustainable, locally-driven supply chain.
Essence.Work forms the agricultural and food-producing foundation of the project, promoting self-sufficiency and independence through biodynamic farming. The estate includes farmland, vegetable gardens, and livestock. Essence.Work combines artisanal crafts such as baking, cheesemaking, and brewing to produce goods for the community.
Essence.Work forms the agricultural and food-producing foundation of the project, promoting self-sufficiency and independence through biodynamic farming. The estate includes farmland, vegetable gardens, and livestock. Essence.Work combines artisanal crafts such as baking, cheesemaking, and brewing to produce goods for the community.
Whether as a single enterprise or multiple smaller ventures, Essence.Work works closely with Mill.Life while also offering regional sales. It embodies the commitment to a holistic, self-sustaining community.
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